This year’s Society for Scholarly Publishing Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts had the theme, “Inflection Point: Setting the Course for the Future of Scholarly Communication,” and it certainly felt like an inflection point, with a sold-out attendee list and many transformative discussions.

As always, Silverchair was proud to be a Diamond Sponsor of the mobile app, to host our booth in the exhibit hall, to speak / pitch / moderate throughout, and to host industry friends and colleagues for dinners and our popular cocktail reception.

collage of photos from ssp, including booth, speakers, and the cocktail reception


Here are our team’s reflections on the event:

  • “SSP was buzzing this year like it hasn't in years - top of minds for a vast majority of us were:  building Author relationships and improving Author experience, Research Integrity, and (of course) AI.  Underpinning those themes were publishers concerns about driving traffic to their content, maintaining/growing revenue, the reputation and value of their brand, and both protecting from the dark side of AI while also taking advantage of it to reach strategic goals.”  Betsy Donohue, SVP, Business Development
  • “Silverchair spends SO MUCH time talking to and listening to clients there's little room to actually attend sessions. There's a nugget in there somewhere about maximizing the time we can get with clients to make sure we're working with them to solve the problems that are important to them.” —Sven Molter, VP, Product
  • “SSP is a conference that consistently highlights how the publishing community unites with a common goal. I learned that, regardless of how much the publishing world evolves, integrity remains the most important aspect. This being my second year attending, I love discovering new trends and products while networking with the incredible people in our community.” —Deja Forte, Customer Success Manager
  • “SSP 2024 was great for bolstering our publisher relationships (there's nothing quite like a face-to-face conversation in the age of Zoom!) and taking away tons of ideas for platform development, particularly around monetization, which is a theme we're picking up in the latter half of 2024 and carrying into next year.” —Emily Hazzard, Product Manager
  • “As always, SSP was a flurry of activity. The days are long, but the touchpoints are always so, so valuable. I especially enjoyed meeting the new cohort of SSP Board members and speaking more to the scholarly publishing market about Sensus Impact. I left the meeting energized to follow-up on all the many meetings I had with folks about how to deepen our partnerships with publishers, other technology providers, consultants, and the market at large so that we continue to be a key partner in strategic projects and initiatives that better our industry, our business, and the scholarly communications ecosystem writ large.”Hannah Heckner Swain, VP, Strategic Parnterships
  • “This is an industry of brilliant people facing existential challenges. Muddy Open Access progress, problems with Research Integrity, anti-patterns in researcher and reviewer incentive systems, decreasing budgets, and the ever present opportunities and risks of AI, are all forcing the scholarly publishing industry to consider re-invention.” Paul Sanders, Chief Delivery Officer
  • “Measuring the true impact of research takes a long time and many angles. The typical metrics we've historically tracked (usage, citations, impact factor, social media shares, etc) only give part of the full picture. What makes it complete includes capturing the societal impact overall and that can be observed years after the initial publication.” Emilie Delquié: SVP, Product & Customer Success


  • Our team spent a lot of time demoing the AI Playground, where Silverchair clients can get hands-on experience with various AI models, settings, and publishing use cases. Request a demo by emailing; join our AI Lab Reports event in June; or read more about the AI Lab on our website.
  • In the Friday Previews session, Hannah Heckner Swain presented Sensus Impact. Launched earlier this year in partnership with OUP, Sensus Impact is a community initiative that delivers standardized & shared infrastructure to report the impact of funded research publications. Join the community of practice or request a demo by emailing
  • We chatted with many people excited to attend Platform Strategies in Washington, DC on September 25th. Early bird rate ends July 1st (PS24-EARLY)
  • You can explore the reading list from “The Other AI: The Role of Actual Intelligence in Scholarly Publishing” here.
  • See photos of our booth and shenanigans here.
  • …And stayed tuned for a recap of our standing-room-only industry breakout session, "The Transformation of Publishing Platforms: Trends and Predictions.”


Finally, we were proud to take home the trophy as the Greatest Of All Teams in the 2024 SSP 5k with the most people registered, all in support of the SSP Generations Fund! Upon arriving home, we shared our spoils with fellow GOATs at VP of Solutions Engineering Craig Griffin’s farm. Or, in his words:

“We are the goats!”

goat nibbling a goat trophy

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