The Silverchair client community expanded greatly with our November 2024 acquisition of ScholarOne. Below are just some of the incredible publishers that we work with—check back for updates!

“Silverchair has built a great community.” —Rob O'Donnell, Rockefeller University Press
“Silverchair is a really good fit for an independent publisher who wants to work with a vendor who serves as a network resource or hub for other independent publishers and who wants to have enough flexibility to update sites and post new content on the fly.” —Client Satisfaction Survey

Allen Press AAOS Logo AAO-HNS_logo AAP logoAmerican Accounting Association American Association for Cancer ResearchAmerican Association of Critical-Care Nurses AAI logoAmerican Board of Surgery logo ACS PublicationsAmerican Diabetes Association logoAIP Publishing  AMA logo  AOTA logo  AORN logoARP logo  American Society of Anesthesiologists ASH ASME logo ASM International  ARVOThe Company of Biologists DUKE UNIVERSITY PRESSEmerald Publishing GSW logo  IFIS logoIWA publishing JAMA Network Karger logoMcGraw Hill Medical   MIS Quarterly The MIT Press Modern Language Association logo  oup logo newPortland Press   the royal society publishing Royal Society of Chemistry logoSociety of Petroleum EngineersUniversity of California PressWolters Kluwer

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